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High Net Worth 

     Most divorces are already complicated but your divorce case might even be further difficult to resolve because you and/or your spouse may have multiple businesses, Investments, real estate investments or trust funds. 


     During the divorce process, a determination of value and fair division will have to be made of your marital properties and assets. There are also tax implications that might have a considerable impact of the division of these assets. Due to the complex nature of high-end divorces, it would be best for you to consult a highly knowledgeable attorney in the early stages of your divorce process. The more prepared you are at gathering information and evidence to back up your claims, the better your facts will be presented to the judge. 


     Oftentimes, in order to obtain the value of a particular investment or business, a professional expert is required to be retained. 

     With a complicated divorce, you will need a reliable, trustworthy and knowledgeable attorney. Retaining our services from the start means that you can anticipate or even mitigate potential issues that might come up in your divorce.


     Call us today 845-457-1118 or Email Us at


Milana Tepermayster, Esq

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